Book a Session
Curious? Try a Mini-Class!
Natural Beauty Club offers weekly LIVE (and recorded) mini-classes in face yoga, gua sha, and other natural approaches to beautiful, relaxed, and healthy aging for just $27/month! (cancel any time)
Learn something new, meet new friends, combat the signs of aging, and feel wonderful!
OR…Book a Private Session!
All classes and private sessions are offered in our lovely “virtual studio” so you can enjoy them in the safety and comfort of your own home.
Joining is as simple as clicking a link on your phone or computer.
A 45-minute Relax & Glow: Face Yoga Basics session is the perfect place to start. it’s a fun, low-key one-to-one class including relaxation, facial exercises, massage, acupressure, and tips for overall well-being! Every session also includes some time to ask questions. Learn a lifetime skill while enjoying a little pampering self-care!
(Get 20% off with NBC Membership - CLICK HERE to learn more)
If you’re looking for something more tailored to your specific facial concerns…
I invite you to come spend an hour with me in a private 60-minute Lift & Firm: Natural Face Lift session! I’ll spend some time getting to know you and your face, then we’ll dive into specific exercises, massage, and acupressure techniques. You’ll come away with a customized program you can use to continue to firm your skin and enhance your inner glow for a lifetime!
(Get 20% off with NBC Membership - CLICK HERE to learn more)
Private Parties/Group Classes
I offer private face yoga basics classes for friends or family groups up to 12 people. It’s a wonderful way to connect with distant friends in a fun, relaxed way! Perfect for birthday parties, retirement celebrations, bridal showers, etc. A 60-75 minute virtual group class is just $33/person! (minimum 6 people).
If you are interested in a package or private group class (or have other questions), please Contact me and I’ll send you the appropriate link!